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Timeline for 2020 Spring Season

Hello everyone, 

I wanted to set out the timeline of events for the Spring 2020 season.  

  • Roster Submissions -  I'm accepting roster submissions from today, until Jan 14th, 2020.  Sheets can be emailed to myself ( ).  The Roster Submission form can be found ---> HERE.  Like last season it is an editable PDF document.  All you have to do is open the pdf on your computer or phone with the Adobe Acrobat Reader or Google Chrome browser.  Fill out all the information on the pdf and save it.  If you are not on a team and want to play, let me know so that I can assist with getting you paired up with a team.  I know there are some teams out there looking for additional players so please let me know!  
  • Captain's Meeting - We'll be having our Captain's Meeting on Jan. 21st, @ The Brown Derby @ 8PM Sharp!  The Captain's Meeting is MANDATORY for all team captains / team representatives to attend.  Penalty points will be assessed to teams that don't attend.  It's important to attend this meeting, as we will be going over all the details on DartConnect for this upcoming season.  Training will be provided as well, so if your team is in need of assistance, make sure to attend.  This meeting will also include the voting for League Secretary and League President, so if you're running for either one of those positions, or have a desire to vote on those elections, please attend.   
  • Spring Season 2020 - Week 1 of the Spring 2020 season will be on Tues. January 28th.  Schedules will be distributed at the Captain's Meeting.

Thank you folks, and have a safe and Happy New Year!

- Rob